Spartan Focus
Annual gifts keep Sparty at his best in the community and in the classroom

Spartan Focus
Annual gifts keep Sparty at his best in the community and in the classroom
October 3, 2022Sparty has been representing MSU on some of the biggest stages for decades. But at home in East Lansing, he is also a full-time MSU student, and that’s not an easy job, either.
He still has to go to class, do homework, study and take midterms. (Fun fact: his cumulative GPA is an impressive 3.71!)
And, given his stature, his unique wardrobe, his very busy schedule, and his tendency to attract a crowd wherever he goes, other things—like walking through low doorways, doing laundry, holding a part-time job to help pay his tuition or easily getting from Point A to Point B on campus—require a little extra help.
Sparty has a supportive network of classmates and campus professionals to get him through the day-to-day, but donor support helps him take his education and his joyful gameday antics to the next level.
By being a part of his support network, you are ensuring that all the things that make Sparty “Sparty”— his mental toughness, his relentlessly upbeat outlook on life and his ability to excel in the classroom—are taken care of.
Author: Devon Barrett, '11