- Support the Radiology Healing Gardens
- $12,425 RAISED OF $20,000 GOAL
Sarah Sheafor $100.00
Mark DeLano $2,000.00
Ping Wang $100.00
Rosemary Ridsdale $100.00
Erik Shapiro $100.00
David Patrick $2,000.00
Jennifer Hunnell $25.00
Anonymous $250.00
April Schmidt $75.00
Mark DeLano $2,000.00
Kent Lovell $25.00
Kent Lovell $25.00
Barbara Forney $100.00
Ralph Harvey $50.00
Kent Lovell $25.00
Kent Lovell $25.00
Marie Moreland $25.00
Chad & Jessica Grant $500.00
David Patrick $3,000.00
Nirmit Goel $250.00
Mark DeLano $500.00
Norman J & Kristina L Beauchamp $300.00
Sarah Sheafor $100.00
Ping Wang $100.00
Karen Kovarik $100.00
Thomas Cooper $100.00
Jeremy Hix $100.00
Jill McMahon $100.00
Kent Lovell $25.00
Erik Shapiro $100.00
Michele Hurst $100.00
Megan Davis $25.00
Preserve the Radiology Healing Gardens
The E. James Potchen Radiology Healing Gardens Endowment was established to preserve the legacy of this unique environment surrounding the Radiology Building. The gardens were conceived by Dr. E.J. Potchen, founding Chair of the Department of Radiology to provide a quiet space for the benefit of our community, faculty, staff, students and visitors.
The gardens feature a series of ponds, waterfalls, vine-covered pergolas and a greenhouse. The ponds are home to many koi, channel catfish, largemouth bass, goldfish and hybrid bluegill. The Healing Gardens feature a variety of perennials, annuals, trees, bulbs and shrubs. The greenhouse provides a growing place for the 15,000 annuals and perennials which are planted in the gardens, and plants for the interiorscape. Each spring, 30,000 daffodils and crocus are in bloom on the south berm, earning it the nickname “Daffodil Hill.”
Your Support Today Will Make a Big Difference!
The gardens were designed by an MSU Landscape Architect and are maintained by a Radiology staff horticulturist. When Dr. Potchen was a teenager, his father built a greenhouse so they could follow their passion for flowers together. Even though he eventually chose medicine as a profession, Dr. Potchen always maintained his interest in flowers. Little did he know then that he would later be able to share his interest with others through the development of the Radiology Healing Gardens. In 2000, Dr. and Mrs. Potchen had a majestic 50 foot Copper Beech Tree transplanted in the garden in memory of Dr. Potchen’s mother.
This was the beginning of what you see today. The flowers, birds, and waterfalls open the senses of sight, smell, touch, hearing and even taste. They soothe the senses. In a way, it is the secret garden on campus that has provided a calming respite for medical patients, students and providers as part of Radiology’s mission to meet the wellness needs of our community.
Your support is requested to fully fund support for the gardens; allowing us to continue our outreach mission of providing a calming environment for employees, students, patients and visitors. You can make a difference with a gift today!
Make a Gift by Mail:
University Advancement
Spartan Way
535 Chestnut Road, Room 300
East Lansing, MI 48824
*Make check payable to Michigan State University and write “Appeal 25GGDCF1RDHG” in the note section.
Connect with Us
- facebook - https://www.facebook.com/MSU-Radiology-Healing-Gardens-170530886454828
- MSU website - https://radiology.msu.edu/about/radiology-healing-gardens