"As I've been able to be more successful in my professional life, the thing that really brings me joy is when I'm able to uplift and position other people." Jemele Hill '97 Journalism, College of Communication Arts and Sciences

TELL US Your Giving sTORY

ā€œI made life-long friends, learned life lessons and more at MSU. On Give Green Day, I contribute in hopes of improving what became a home to me. I want to help the Eli Broad College of Business improve services. Iā€™m hoping to help current students and myself. Having a Broad College of Business diploma has already set me up among the top.ā€ 

Jiahao She ā€™19

Share your story now.

Your loyalty and support is part of something special. Each year, your gifts and thousands of others come together and go to work immediately. We want you to know that you are making an extraordinary impact on countless lives.

Maybe you received a scholarship while at MSU and want to share how it helped you. Or you loved your college and want to support current students on Give Green Day, like Jiahao She. Or you've experienced a stellar performance from our Opera students and were moved to give.

We appreciate your unique reason for supporting MSU and we want to hear your story. Please tell us what inspired you to give, what your passion at MSU is, or why being a Spartan is important to you. We just might use it in future communications.

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