MSU Greenline

MSU Greenline — the voice of annual giving

MSU Greenline, the largest call center in the Big Ten, is a student run program that employs 150 student callers each semester. Greenline callers talk to over 175,000 MSU alumni, friends, and donors each year to ask for financial support of MSU programs that have a direct and lasting impact on current and future Spartans.

MSU Greenline is one piece of the Annual Giving team which helps raise around $8 million annually from roughly 50,000 donors.

When you receive a call from MSU Greenline, you are talking to some of the brightest, most motivated students at MSU who are excited to learn about your experience at Michigan State and the impact it continues to have on you.

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Greenline is currently calling

  • Current MSU donors
  • Friends of MSU
  • Faculty, staff and retirees of MSU

see who's calling you

Cameras are only available when Greenline is actively calling.

Want to work for Greenline? Apply online today.