Give Green Day - 2024

Area(s) to Support

  • EMSU Alumni Association National Board Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • CANR Whole Student Success Fund
  • College of Arts & Letters Emergency Fund
  • Spartan Fund
  • ComArtSci Student Emergency Fund
  • STRIDE Center
  • MSU Broad Art Museum Student Support
  • Broad College Global Career Initiatives
  • College of Engineering Student Emergency Fund
  • College of Engineering Inclusion and Diversity Fund
  • Student Made MSU
  • Campbell Hall Renovation for the Honors College
  • ECollege of Human Medicine Alumni Association Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • Oh Canada Go Canada
  • Africa Futures Family Fund
  • Center for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies
  • Experiential and Engaged Opportunities for Students
  • MSU Law Pathway Programs
  • Lyman Briggs College Student Emergency Fund
  • 4-H Learning Experience Sponsorship Fund
  • MSU Libraries Student Programming Fund
  • MSU Museum Educational Programs Fund
  • Community Music School - East Lansing
  • ECommunity Music School Detroit Endowment
  • College of Music Entrepreneurship
  • ECollege of Natural Science Undergraduate Research Award
  • CON Student Conference Expense Gift Account
  • College of Nursing BSN Pin Fund
  • College of Nursing Workforce Diversity Program
  • MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine Student Emergency Needs Fund
  • RCAH Student Emergency Fund
  • Flint Community Development Initiative
  • InnovateGov Fund
  • Women's Leadership Institute Experiential Learning Fund
  • EManderscheid Discretionary Graduate School Endowment Fund
  • Support Our Spartans (SOS) Student Emergency Needs Fund
  • MSU Student Discretionary and Emergency Fund
  • Veterinary Nursing Scholarships
  • College of Veterinary Medicine Scholarship Fund
  • Arts Within Reach
  • EWKAR Endowment for Student Experiential Learning

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Gift Details (optional)

Please deduct on the day of each month

Your gift will be automatically charged to your credit card today and every month on the 15th, beginning November 15, 2024.

Matching gift programs can double or even triple your gift to Michigan State University. Please call your personnel office to see if your company has a matching gifts program.

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