Foundation Funding

If you are having trouble finding a funding match for your program or research, we'd love to learn more about what you're working on! Please contact Chery Moran to schedule a call with someone on our team.

  • Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation - Free Markets Program

    Grant Amount:
    Up to $200K
    Accepting Rolling LOIs
    Social Science

     Additional Information:

    To advance free markets, The Bradley Foundation supports organizations and projects that reduce the size and power of public sector unions; advance free trade within the rule of law; and support deregulation of markets. 

    For more information, please contact Jess Bitting at

    Learn More about Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation - Free Markets Program
  • Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation - Civil Society Program

    Grant Amount:
    Up to $200K
    Accepting Rolling LOIs
    Social Science

    Additional Information: 

    To defend and reinvigorate institutions of civil society, The Bradley Foundation supports organizations that strengthen families; encourage self-reliance; promote civil discourse; rely on voluntary institutions outside of government to address community and individual needs; and foster arts and culture in the Milwaukee area.

    For more information, please contact Jess Bitting at

    Learn More about Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation - Civil Society Program
  • Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation - Informed Citizens Program

    Grant Amount:
    Up to $200K
    Accepting Rolling LOIs
    Education, Social Science

    Additional Information:

    To encourage the formation of informed and capable citizens, The Bradley Foundation supports organizations and projects that reform and re-imagine systems and institutions of higher education; further outstanding research, teaching, and scholarship; advance alternatives to the K–12 public education monopolies; promote the teaching of American exceptionalism; encourage vocational training and other alternatives to university-based education; and support education for gifted students. 

    For more information, please contact Jess Bitting at

    Learn More about Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation - Informed Citizens Program
  • Stanton Foundation—Canine Health: Student-Focused Course Development Program

    Grant Amount:
    Up to $50,000
    Biomedical Sciences, Medical & Health Sciences, Veterinary Medicine

    Additional Information:  

    The student-focused grant program is designed to hone primary practice skills prior to a student's graduation from veterinary school. Completion of these courses should empower the students, particularly during their first few years of private practice, to provide a spectrum of care, ranging from "gold standard" medicine to quality, low-cost interventions. 

    Additionally, the proposed course must be:

    • Aimed at improving canine health, understanding that many techniques or treatments may be applicable to multiple companion animal species.
    • Focused on building primary care skills and outcomes-based assessments without the use of high-cost diagnostics or treatments;
    • Taught in-person at an accredited institution (no online or remote offerings will be supported);
    • Held at least three times as long as it is justified by student enrollment and evaluations.

    Courses addressing common canine conditions are preferred. The strongest applications will provide specific course objectives and evidence (which may be practice-based) of the effectiveness of the suggested approach.

    For more information, please contact Larry Wallach at

    Learn More about Stanton Foundation—Canine Health: Student-Focused Course Development Program
  • Stanton Foundation—Canine Health: Spectrum of Care Clinical Research Program

    Grant Amount:
    No set amount (Proposals of all sizes are welcome, as per below)
    Canines, Veterinary Medicine

    Additional Information:  

    The Clinical Research Program funds projects that identify and evaluate diagnostic and therapeutic protocols to reduce client costs without sacrificing quality health care. It seeks to provide primary care practitioners with additional tools to practice more broadly along the spectrum of care. The Program’s goal is to allow them to serve an economically diverse clientele while maintaining a practice that is professionally, emotionally, and financially rewarding.  Specifically, the Foundation seeks proposals that address common canine presentations and/or allow primary care practitioners to treat cases that he/she currently refers to specialists. 

    Proposals should meet the following criteria:

    • Canine centric. While the research may benefit other companion animals, dogs must be the primary potential beneficiaries of a successful trial.
    • Broad applicability. The idea must deal with diseases and conditions that are commonly seen in primary care practice either regionally (e.g. heartworm in the south) or nationally.
    • Immediate applicability. If the trial is successful, must produce results that are immediately usable by primary care practitioners.
    • Financially sustainable for private practitioner. While all successful proposals will test cost-reducing protocols, the protocol must, if adopted in a standard clinic setting, allow the primary care veterinarian to generate revenue over total expense specific to that protocol.

    No dollar minimums or maximums. The Foundation welcomes proposals of all sizes, from small proof-of-concept seed grants to large, multi-institution studies. However, larger grants must test a diagnostic or treatment protocol that would: a) have broad applicability and would be used frequently in primary care practice; and b) would provide a significant cost savings over ‘best option’ recommendations.  If a proposal is accepted, the applicant will receive funding within four weeks of approval notification.

    Time horizon. Elapsed time from start to finish of the project must be no more than 24 months.

     For more information, please contact Larry Wallach at

    Learn More about Stanton Foundation—Canine Health: Spectrum of Care Clinical Research Program
  • Internet Society Foundation—Sustainable Peering and Interconnection (IXP) Funding Program

    Grant Amount:
    Applications accepted on a rolling basis.
    Communication & Information, Technology; AI; Data Science; Computer Science

    Additional Information:

    The Foundation works with local communities to build IXPs in markets where they are needed, level up existing IXPs to realize their full potential, and further develop regional organizations and communities that support peering and interconnection. Grant funds are available to assist in training, capacity building, community development, and equipment purchases (switches, optic modules, servers, and routers).

    The Foundation’s peering and interconnection work endeavors to:

    Program Objectives

    • Increase the amount of Internet traffic within local infrastructure, reducing costs associated with traffic exchange between networks
    • Provide support to build new and enhance existing IXPs to ensure their long-term sustainability
    • Champion the development of peering and interconnection by building local capacity in collaboration with regional entities

    Focus Regions

    • Emerging economies
    • Low-income economies
    • Small island developing states

    NOTE: This is probably best for those with strong collaborative partnerships in the above regions.

    For more information, please contact Larry Wallach at

    Learn More about Internet Society Foundation—Sustainable Peering and Interconnection (IXP) Funding Program
  • Arnold Ventures – Causal Research on Community Safety and the Criminal Justice System

    Grant Amount:
    Up to ~$500K
    Rolling LOI submission
    Policy, Public Safety & Criminal Justice, Social Science

    Additional Information:

    Arnold Ventures (AV) is a nonpartisan philanthropy whose core mission is to invest in evidence-based solutions that maximize opportunity and minimize injustice. AV focuses on correcting system failures in the United States through evidence-based solutions. AVs’ Criminal Justice Initiative seeks to generate new evidence to inform policies that will make communities safer and make the criminal justice system more fair and effective. This Request for Proposals (RFP) from the Criminal Justice Initiative (CJI) seeks letters of interest to conduct causal research projects of policies, practices, and interventions related to community safety and the criminal justice system.

    To be eligible to submit through this funding opportunity, research projects must adhere to the following criteria:

    • Propose a strong causal research design, which can reliably and validly isolate the treatment effect of a policy, practice, or intervention. Examples of such research designs include difference-in-differences, regression discontinuity, instrumental variable, and randomization.

    • The policy, practice, or intervention being tested is in the United States.

    • Outcomes include measures of real-world behaviors (such as crime rates or criminal justice involvement), as opposed to measures collected in a controlled lab setting or measures of perceptions.

    Submissions are welcome across all issues of crime and criminal justice that meet the above criteria. The ultimate goal of this RFP is to build credible evidence on policies, practices, and interventions that can improve crime and justice system outcomes and grow the number of policies and practices rigorously shown to produce improvements in community safety and to make the justice system fairer and more effective.

    AV will prioritize studies that:

    • Focus on interventions where there is a clear path to federal and/or state policy adoption or implementation. Is there a state or federal policy lever available to scale this intervention?

    • Outcomes are measured using administrative data, where they exist.

    • Are led by researchers who have not previously received funding from Arnold Ventures as the primary or principal investigator, or are early-career/junior researchers (those who received their PhD in the past 6 years).

    For more information, please contact Melissa Anderson at

    Learn More about Arnold Ventures – Causal Research on Community Safety and the Criminal Justice System
  • American Psychological Foundation – Funding Opportunities

    Grant Amount:
    various, ranging $10k to $50k
    Behavioral Health, Medical & Health Sciences, Social Science

    Additional Information:

    The American Psychological Foundation offers various funding opportunities for psychologists and students using psychology to address major issues and improve lives:

    • $20,000 grant for an early career psychologist to further the research, practice, or education on the connection between mental and physical health, particularly for work that contributes to public health due July 10, 2024 (direct link)
    • $10,000 grant to support psychologists and trainees in community mental health settings to support novel research projects due August 21, 2024 (direct link)
    • $10,000 grant for programs that promote the contributions of psychoanalysis to psychology as a science and profession due August 31, 2024 (direct link)
    • $19,000 grant for scientific, scholarly, or applied research and/or educational activities investigating how personality, culture, and environment influence work behavior and health (mental and physical) due September 18, 2024 (direct link)
    • $10,000 grant for graduate and early career work that seeks to increase the public’s understanding of the psychological pain and stigma experienced by adults living with visible physical disabilities, such as cerebral palsy due October 2, 2024 (direct link)
    • Up to $34,000 grant to support psychologists doing evidence-based research and intervention in providing mental health training dissemination to first responders in rural areas due October 23, 2024 (direct link)
    • $25,000 graduate student fellowship for research projects and scholarships in child psychology due November 27, 2024 (direct link)
    • $12,000 grant for research and research-based projects to improve the lives of cancer patients and/or cancer survivors through psychology due February 7, 2025 (direct link)
    • $50,000 grant to support psychologists with research, pilot projects, and research-based programs related to the advancement and application of knowledge about gifted children due March 6, 2025 (direct link)
    • Up to $15,000 grant for efforts aimed at improving the quality of education in psychological science and its application in the secondary schools for high ability students due March 6, 2025 (direct link)

    For complete program guidelines and application instructions, see the American Psychological Foundation website.

    For more information, please contact Jess Bitting

    Learn More about American Psychological Foundation – Funding Opportunities