- $600 RAISED
Karen Mitchell $200.00
Pam Penney $50.00
Millard Doster $100.00
Nancy Doster $100.00
Sonja Fritzsche $100.00
Emma Mitchell $50.00
Spartan Caregiver Support
The COVID-19 outbreak has left thousands of caregivers in the State of Michigan without behavioral and social support for people with autism.
Spartan Caregiver Support aims to address this urgent need by providing caregivers with free informational support via phone, video chat, or other electronic media. We provide support in the following areas:
- Behavioral concerns, such as tantrums and meltdowns
- Communication difficulties, such as difficulty expressing wants and needs
- Daily schedules and routines, such as completing a list of chores and brushing one’s teeth
- Sleep concerns if those concerns have a behavioral (and not a medical) cause
- Getting along with family members, such as siblings and cousins
- Following rules and expectations, such as following a caregiver’s instructions
Our primary goal is to reduce caregiver stress and make their lives easier at home as they deal with this moment of crisis. The response to our program from caretakers since the implementation of the program shows the incredible need in our communities. Since April 6, we have helped over 20 families, with successes ranging from helping caregivers reduce child tantrums and meltdowns to assisting caregivers in improving independence in self-care skills (e.g., toileting).
Your Support Will Make a Difference
When you make a gift to Spartan Caregivers Support, your donation will go directly to work, allowing us to continue providing important resources for caregivers during this critical time of need. Please support the Spartan Caregivers program today!
Make a Gift by Mail:
University Advancement
Spartan Way
535 Chestnut Road, Room 300
East Lansing, MI 48824
*Make check payable to Michigan State University and write “Appeal 20OOPCF1CGSCVID” in the note section.