- Packaging Alumni Association - Packaging Building Renovation Project
- $37,225 RAISED OF $50,000 GOAL
- 123 DONORS
Whitney Clarkson $100.00
Patrick Mitten $1,952.00
Thomas Osip $1,000.00
Jeanne Zamojski $50.00
Sarah Berendsohn $195.20
Jillian Tomlinson $100.00
Carrie Genova $200.00
Victoria Chatman-Galloway $200.00
Jason Roman $70.00
Tomas Haracourt $100.00
Eric Hermes $100.00
Tara Martindale $50.00
Carrie Genova $100.00
Stephanie Gustafson $195.20
Victoria Chatman-Galloway $200.00
MSU Packaging Alumni Association KOREA $1,952.00
James Wilson $100.00
Jerry Mautz $100.00
Tracy Nameth $250.00
Andrew Tilton $100.00
Anonymous $40.00
Anonymous $100.00
Harold Miller $700.00
Dean Aldo $100.00
William MacDonald $1,952.00
Colin Philips $2,000.00
Brantley Zavsza $195.20
Patricia Korff $50.00
Amy Hulce $20.00
Timothy White $100.00
Wesley Rager $25.00
Frederick Melms $1,952.00
Jin Zhang $100.00
Zachary Frenzel $100.00
Nathaniel Upchurch $100.00
Christopher Phan $1,952.00
Scott Poliski $195.20
Anonymous $19.52
Jeffrey Morgan $195.20
Thomas Osip $500.00
Yixuan Hou $20.00
Bunlim Ly $100.00
David Joslin $250.00
Sarah Simpson $25.00
Anonymous $25.00
Gerald Perreault $195.20
Anonymous $195.20
Laura Barts $19.52
Jerrett Gogola $195.20
Sarah Albus $19.52
Grant Kleinert $19.00
Anonymous $30.00
Megan Theisen $19.00
Jeff Edgerton $195.00
Andrew Corlett $1,952.00
Chad & Karen Polkinghorne $1,952.00
Anna Finazzo $19.52
Sarah Palluck $195.20
Courtney Nagelin $100.00
Chad & Karen Polkinghorne $1,950.00
Ayden Peters $19.52
Delynne Siggaard $200.00
Thomas Osip $500.00
Hal Howell $195.20
Gail Tavill $195.20
Bradley Goll $70.00
Kenzo Webster $100.00
Douglas Howard $195.20
Jason Merritt $195.00
Anonymous $20.00
Thomas Osip $304.80
Matthew Danhof $195.20
Anonymous $19.00
Reeve Brandon $195.20
Edward Church $1,952.00
Robert Knieper $195.20
Anonymous $195.20
Sean Gorman $195.20
Derek Romeo $265.20
Jeffrey Edgerton $195.20
Anonymous $19.52
Drew Warnick $100.00
Kaylee Ramirez $19.00
Kerri Clark $195.20
Eric Schuetzler $195.20
Bridget Pritchard $19.52
Aaron Kruch $19.52
Kourtney Putman $19.52
Joe Grace $19.52
Danielle Debeliso $195.00
Carrie Genova $195.20
Molly Parsons $19.52
Brandon Meier $195.20
Chantel Grewal $19.52
Kirstie Kipfmiller $20.00
Ian VanderBeek $195.20
Mark Brogan $195.20
Shannon Moore $195.20
Ryan Olsen $19.52
Henry Lumbard $19.52
Maureen Hanel $19.52
Thomas Hanel $19.52
Eugene Saladin $195.20
Gerald Perreault $19.52
Jeffrey Beckwith $19.52
Eric Hermes $195.20
Thomas Osip $195.20
Karen Keeder $195.00
Ashley Muscat $195.20
Ivy McMullen $119.52
Angela Korzeniewski $195.20
Julie Kuruvilla $1,952.00
Sarah Halewicz $39.04
Megan Cox $195.20
Anthony Gallo $195.20
Travis Key $195.20
Laura Smith $195.20
Kevin Walker $19.52
Scott Poliski $19.52
John Minagawa-Webster $195.20
Tracy Nameth $195.00
Tomas Haracourt $195.20
Andrew Tilton $195.20
Packaging Alumni Association (PAA) 1952 Project supporting the Packaging Building Renovation Campaign!
With the 70th anniversary of the MSU School of Packaging in 2022, and the launch of the Packaging Building Campaign, the Packaging Alumni Association (PAA) is proud to support the PAA 1952 Project, an initiative to continue our mission to serve the students, faculty, and alumni of the School of Packaging.
The PAA 1952 Project has a total goal of reaching $100,000 to support the overall building renovation campaign, and the PAA and School of Packaging Director, Matt Daum, have approved matching funds of $50,000 towards the total goal. Current and former board members, along with their networks, have been quietly raising funds for the last few months and are excited to formally launch the project in spring 2022.
Join us and make a gift to secure the MSU School of Packaging’s Legacy as THE leader in packaging research and education
By investing in our students, our faculty, and our spaces, we will assure that the MSU School of Packaging will raise the bar and continue to lead the field as the first (and #1) school of packaging in the country. We will continue to educate and deliver a well-prepared workforce for the industry and the educators of tomorrow.
As we connect back to the year 1952 when the school opened, we are asking our fellow Packaging Alumni to donate increments of $1952, $195.20, or even $70 in honor of the 70th Anniversary! The MSU Packaging Alumni Association invites you to be a part of the PAA 1952 Project and help make a long-lasting impact on our students, the program, and the packaging industry.
Will you join us and be an integral part of the future of packaging at your alma matter and donate today?
Share your participation on social media with the hash tag: #PKG1952
In February 2022, the MSU Board of Trustees approved the building renovations and construction has officially started. To learn more about the full $10 million Packaging Building Campaign, please visit the project webpage.
1952 Leaderboard: Gifts Made of $1,952 or More
- Julia Kuruvilla - $1,952
- Brian Wagner - $1,952
- Edward Church - $1,952
- Tim Brown - $1,952
- Cheryl Gilliam - $2,500
- Andrew Corlett - $1,952
- Chad & Karen Polkinghorne - $1,952
- Tom Osip - $1,952
- Christopher Phan - $1,952
- Frederick Melms - $1,952
- William MacDonald - $1,952
- Colin Philips - $2,000
Make a Gift by Mail:
University Advancement
Spartan Way
535 Chestnut Road, Room 300
East Lansing, MI 48824
*Make check payable to Michigan State University and write “Appeal 22OOPCF1PACK” in the note section.
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