Spartan helmet
  • $985 RAISED OF $5,000 GOAL
  • 13 DONORS


  • Ronald Miller $250.00
  • Connor Omo $100.00
  • Leighann Heim $100.00
  • Victoria Fox $100.00
  • Megan Maddox $25.00
  • M. Jahi Chappell $100.00
  • Mark Shafer $100.00
  • Stephen Truhon $25.00
  • Kathy Antaya $25.00
  • Laura Young $10.00
  • Marci Scalera $75.00
  • Anonymous $25.00
  • Alyssa Scalera $50.00

Healthy food for Michiganders by supporting Michigan entrepreneurs

Michiganders who live in the places hardest hit by COVID-19 also have to work the hardest to find healthy food options. This is because the Michigan communities where the pandemic has hit hardest are also places where food entrepreneurs who offer healthy options must be especially resilient and innovative in order to succeed.

The Michigan Good Food Fund (MGFF) has been a critical resource for food entrepreneurs like restaurant owners, food truck owners, makers of packaged foods, and others as they navigate the challenges of the pandemic.

Michigan State University Center for Regional Food Systems is a founding partner of the MGFF, a mission-driven program that works with entrepreneurs who are often overlooked by traditional banks. We provide business assistance and connect food entrepreneurs to flexible lending options. We prioritize racial equity and working with businesses that offer healthy food in places where there are few healthy food options.

Helping these business owners protects and creates jobs and makes healthy food available in communities where residents are searching for healthy options.

We’d like to introduce you...

To some entrepreneurs we’ve worked with:

"The Michigan Good Food Fund is a very good tool for the community, for small businesses, for farmers here in the state of Michigan. [MSU is] helping me do all the steps we need to do to start selling our salsas." Javier Fortoso, Torti Taco | Battle Creek

Torti Taco Crew"When I opened the Zilke Farm Kitchen, the Michigan Good Food Fund team provide technical assistance before my loan and continue to support me today. We have found the support from MSU Center for Regional Food Systems tailor-made: We continue to have access to business coaches and services which include a suite of practical training, tools, and resources on money, marketing, and management - topics that matter to every business owner." Vicki Zilke, Zilke Farm Kitchen | Milan

Your Gift Makes a Difference

Your gift is important because 2.5 million Michigan residentsincluding 490,000 childrenlive in communities where finding somewhere to buy healthy food takes a lot of effort. 

Small businesses have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, especially those owned by an entrepreneur of color or woman. In the first three months of social distancing, women-owned businesses reported a 25% decline, Latinx-owned businesses a 32% decline, and Black-owned businesses a 41% decline in business activity. Your gift will help businesses get the support they need to keep going. 

Please help us meet and exceed our goal of $5,000 to provide one-on-one coaching and assistance to help food entrepreneurs get the skills and resources they need to navigate the pandemic, keep providing quality jobs, and continue to offer healthy food in their communities.

The more we raise, the more entrepreneurs we can support! Thank you for partnering with us.

Make a Gift by Mail:

University Advancement
Spartan Way
535 Chestnut Road, Room 300
East Lansing, MI 48824

*Make check payable to Michigan State University and write “Appeal 21GGDCF1GOODFOO” in the note section.

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