- James Madison College Early Start Program
- $650 RAISED OF $10,000 GOAL
Cameron Thies $250.00
Benjamin Lorch $100.00
Robert Brathwaite $100.00
Paula Brantner $75.00
Christopher Harkins $100.00
Joseph Agosta $25.00
James Madison College Early Start Program
The Early Start Program primarily serves first-generation students who may benefit from additional support as they transition to James Madison College and Michigan State. Early Start helps Madisonians acclimate to life on campus, nurtures a sense of belonging among incoming students and equips participants with a variety of academic tools and resources.
Directly Support JMC Student Success
At the beginning of the fall semester, Early Start students move into Case Hall at JMC a week early and participate in a series of activities designed to support first-gen student success. Students take introductory classes with JMC professors, tour campus and East Lansing and connect with fellow Madison students and faculty. The annual Early Start alumni mixer forges crucial connections across the JMC community.
Programming and mentoring continue throughout the academic year, ensuring students have the resources and skills they need to thrive at MSU.
The Impact of Your Gift
Your donations will ensure that Early Start can further support the Madison student community, expanding the reach of this program to serve more first-year students who can benefit from additional support as they begin new academic journeys at JMC.
Who We Are
We are James Madison College deans, faculty members, academic advisors and support staff who care deeply about student success. We are honored to continue the mission of this fund, established by the generous gift of a Madison alumnus.
Make a Gift by Mail:
University Advancement
Spartan Way
535 Chestnut Road, Room 300
East Lansing, MI 48824
*Make check payable to Michigan State University and write “Appeal 25GGDCF1ERLS” in the note section.
Connect with Us
- MSU website - https://jmc.msu.edu
- facebook - https://www.facebook.com/JamesMadisonCollege
- instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jmcmsu/
- linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/school/jmcmsu