Spartan helmet
  • $1,206 RAISED OF $10,000 GOAL
  • 17 DONORS


  • Landon Sahouri $75.00
  • James Talby $76.00
  • Ava Bondra $75.00
  • Emma Ksoll $75.00
  • Andrew Levin $50.00
  • Cecelia Carner $65.00
  • Luke Boldman $65.00
  • Matthew Matthew Manger $65.00
  • Mary Kuebler $75.00
  • Ella O'Neill $65.00
  • Andrew Levin $50.00
  • Emily Allor $75.00
  • Andrew Levin $50.00
  • Andrew Levin $50.00
  • Brooke Brown $75.00
  • Jacob Sobania $20.00
  • Kestutis Tatarunas $200.00

Sales Alumni Endowed Scholarship Fundraiser

As enrollment for the Sales Leadership Minor increases, we are seeing unprecedented numbers of students who are in financial need. This endowment, started by Sales Leadership Minor alumni, for Sales Leadership Minor students has been a source of assistance for our students for the last 5 years. Graduating seniors participate by donating their Senior Gift to this fund to continue its growth and impact. Seniors donate $65 and receive a Green & White Philanthropy cord to wear at commencement. Now we need all of our alumni to participate and give back to the self-funded program that jump-started their careers.

Your Support Will Make a Big Difference

40% of our student body has expressed need for scholarship assistance. Due to the generosity of our corporate endowments and our Alumni endowment, we funded $25,000 in scholarships in 2023 and $20,000 in scholarships for 2024. 

Increase our scholarship awards by 5% and help train our students to “cold call”. Since we are not funded by the university, rather by corporate partners, we strive to engender a sense of giving back to the program that helped jump start our alumni careers. Some partners have noticed that students’ ability to cold call has diminished over the last few years and asked for a way to provide training for calling. The Sales Leadership Minor partnered with MSU Greenline to fill this need with a calling Boot Camp in an effort to provide quality training and then practice to reach out to our alumni who many not have had contact with the minor since graduating. The purpose of the phone calling campaign is to provide practice for the students who are learning this critical skill and as a point of outreach to our alumni and to let them know what we have been up to since they graduated.

Who We Are

Jennifer Rumler-Rokita, Managing Director, Sales Leadership Minor; Cooper Adams, Director of MSU Greenline; Kristen McGrath, ComArtSci Director of Development; University Advancement team members; Sales Leadership Minor Students. 

GSLS Official Video from Ellie Denison on Vimeo.

Make a Gift by Mail:

University Advancement
Spartan Way
535 Chestnut Road, Room 300
East Lansing, MI 48824

*Make check payable to Michigan State University and write “Appeal 25GGDCF1SALES” in the note section.

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