CROWDPOWER The Crowdfunding Solution For Spartans
GOAL 0%RAISED $0DAYS LEFT 62MSU Film Students Work Hard to Create “Orientation”View Project
Michigan State University student filmmakers are looking for financial support to jump start their filmmaking careers through the film Orientation.
GOAL 6%RAISED $525DAYS LEFT 62Barry County 4-H: Goat Barn Brick WalkwayView Project
Help support Barry County 4-H members reach their goal to renovate the goat barn flooring! Engrave your name or message on a brick for your donation.
GOAL 16%RAISED $400DAYS LEFT 276Preserving MSU's Historic CarillonView Project
Support the Bells of Beaumont Tower!
GOAL 0%RAISED $0DAYS LEFT 457Support the MSU Tuba/Euphonium StudioView Project
Support the Jim Self and Philip Sinder Endowment for Tuba and Euphonium — ensuring the resources to continue to support a strong studio.
GOAL 2%RAISED $2,500DAYS LEFT 611MSU Wind Symphony Returns to Carnegie Hall in 2027View Project
Help the MSU College of Music celebrate its 20th anniversary and send the MSU Wind Symphony to perform at Carnegie Hall in 2027.
RAISED $26,740Eli Broad College of Business Dean’s Fund for Emergency Support of StudentsView Project
Your gift will help more Broad College of Business students manage this difficult time.
RAISED $600Spartan Caregiver SupportView Project
When you make a gift to Spartan Caregivers Support, your donation will go directly to work, allowing us to continue providing important resources for caregivers during this critical time of need.
RAISED $7,860Jay D. Meetze Memorial Opera FundView Project
honoring the memory of a great Spartan, join with friends and colleagues in establishing the Jay D. Meetze Opera Fund, for MSU's Opera Program
GOAL 10%RAISED $250Support the MSU Women’s Networking AssociationView Project
Support the MSU Women’s Networking Association to support connecting professional women across campus through meaningful and empowering relationships in order to build women’s leadership at MSU.
GOAL 103%RAISED $10,217Support Global Spartans in MusicView Project
Create engaging opportunities for international students to share their love for music with the world.
RAISED $11,765Nursing Student Emergency FundView Project
The Nursing Student Emergency Fund will provide short-term financial resources to help students cope with emergency situations.
GOAL 381%RAISED $9,525The Graduate School's University Distinguished Fellowship FundView Project
Give to the University Distinguished Fellowship Fund and help MSU embody excellence and live its land-grant mission.
GOAL 91%RAISED $45,084Jeremy Swiatek Man of Honor Memorial ScholarshipView Project
Make a gift in memory of Jeremy Swiatek and benefit the brothers of Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity.
RAISED $5,150Shari VanDelinder Endowed FellowshipView Project
Shari was passionate about helping those with neurodevelopmental disabilities. Gifts to the Shari VanDelinder Endowed Fellowship honor Shari's legacy.
RAISED $330MSU Alumni Office Programs Development FundView Project
A desire for lifelong enrichment marks a true Spartan. Your gift will support a variety of programming accessible for Spartans around the world.
RAISED $200Resource Center for Persons with DisabilitiesView Project
Every dollar is applied to efforts advancing ability and opportunity for students at MSU.
GOAL 306%RAISED $30,580Kellogg Biological Station Conservation Legacy FundView Project
Support a lakeside wildlife camera and educational experiences at the Kellogg Biological Station
GOAL 16%RAISED $800Spartan Project SEARCHView Project
Make a difference in the lives of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities by supporting the Spartan Project SEARCH program!
GOAL 10%RAISED $500RADD Lab Research FundingView Project
The RADD Lab is a research lab at MSU, that is dedicated to issues related to autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disabilities.
GOAL 20%RAISED $985Michigan Good Food FundView Project
Healthy food, quality jobs, supporting Michigan businesses
GOAL 11%RAISED $415Michigan Natural Features InventoryView Project
Give to MNFI and help us purchase wildlife acoustic recording units to us better study and map rare bird species in Michigan!
GOAL 17%RAISED $420Support Knight Center for Environmental JournalismView Project
Give to the Knight Center for Environmental Journalism Fund and help Spartans tell the stories of importance in today’s ever-changing world.
GOAL 75%RAISED $37,225Packaging Alumni Association - Packaging Building Renovation ProjectView Project
Join us and make a gift now, to secure the MSU School of Packaging’s legacy as THE leader in packaging research and education.
GOAL 4%RAISED $100Excellence in EducationView Project
Your gift will provide College of Arts and Letters faculty the resources to ensure that students receive the highest quality education possible.