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Alumni mentors help students prepare for their next steps

Lyman Briggs College graduate Joanna Colovas in graduation gown

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Alumni mentors help students prepare for their next steps

There is a lot to be said for having the right tools for the job.

In Lyman Briggs College, the job is connecting students to peer and alumni mentors, and the tool is Briggs Connect—an online hub that fosters relationships between current and former Briggsies, who welcome the opportunity to help each other out.

Whether it’s second-year students offering a sympathetic ear to first-year students as they navigate the transition to college life, or alumni guiding soon-to-be graduates through tough, exciting decisions about life after college, this virtual safe space has become an integral piece of the tight-knit Briggs community.

“Attending the Briggs Career Chat Mentorship event was so helpful for me to not only network with Lyman Briggs alumni, but also, to remind me that careers are seldom linear,” says recent Lyman Briggs College graduate Joanna Colovas. “All of the Briggs alumni I spoke with that evening were interested in me and my experience at MSU, as well as telling me about their path to their current and future positions, using their own shared experiences at MSU and beyond.”

Your support for the Lyman Briggs College Mentorship Fund has enabled the college to provide this rich, virtual mentorship experience to all.

Author: Devon Barrett, '11

Annual Giving Annual Report 2022