How to Visit MSU
come back to campus often...
in person or online
The MSU Alumni Association offers a variety of enrichment opportunities, including professional webinars, online courses, behind the scenes industry tours and more. Visit Alumni LENS to learn more. And University Advancement Green & White Evenings and other events are offered at a wide variety of locations throughout the year. Visit our events page to learn more.
plan a visit to campus to one of more of our popular attractions
Abrams Planetarium (517) 355-4672
Discover the wonders of the universe at Abrams Planetarium. The sky theater features fantastic star shows produced by state-of-the-art computer graphics star projectors. The planetarium also serves as an astronomy and space science education resource center. Programs are held Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons. A free exhibit hall is open from 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. and 1:00–4:30 p.m. on weekdays. For a 24-hour recording of shows and admission information call (517) 332-4672.
Alumni Memorial Chapel (517) 355-3464
Nestled within the rolling, park-like lawns sloping gently down to the Red Cedar River stands the picturesque MSU Alumni Memorial Chapel. The non-denominational chapel accommodates all faiths. Alumni travel from around the world to celebrate weddings, baptisms and other ceremonies there. Open to the public Tuesday–Friday, unless scheduled.
Athletic Events (517) 355-1610
Jenison Field House serves as the Athletic Ticket Office for all varsity sporting events. Call to get the latest schedule on your favorite sport during normal business hours. You may call the “time check phone line” to confirm times for a variety of sports. (517) 432-TIME
W.J. Beal Botanical Garden (517) 355-9582
Founded in 1873, the Beal Botanical Garden is the oldest continuously operated garden of its type in the U.S. It includes over 5,000 species organized in economic, systematic, landscape and ecological groupings. The Garden also features an endangered and threatened plant collection and Michigan native wetland plants. Located west of the Main Library. Admission is free.
Beaumont Tower (517) 353-5340
The Beaumont Tower marks the site of Old College Hall, the first building in America erected for instruction in scientific agriculture. A gift from John W. Beaumont (class of 1882), the tower was dedicated in 1929 and renovated in 1996, making possible weekly carillon concerts throughout the summer. Located on West Circle Drive, near the MSU Museum.
Bicycle Rentals; MSU Bikes Service Center (517) 432-3400
Rent a bicycle to tour our lovely campus. The Center is located under Bessey Hall auditorium just 200 feet northwest of the Farm Lane Bridge. Restrooms/lockers are available. A full range of bicycle repair services for varying fees are available. Bike rentals are also offered, as are a variety of bike-related accessories. Other services include free 24-hour air access, bike storage and bike assembly. A number of classes related to bicycling maintenance, safety and commuting are offered. A growing library of bike books and videos/DVDs can also be checked out for free. The Center’s hours vary by semester; check the website for current hours or call.
Breslin Student Events Center (517) 432-5000
The Breslin Center is a multipurpose, 15,000 seat arena that is home to the MSU Men’s and Women’s Basketball Teams as well as concerts, family shows, conferences and more! Private box suite rentals are available for most events. Visit the website and subscribe to the Breslin Insider List to be the first to know what events are coming to the Breslin Center.
Bug House (517) 355-4662
Visit the fascinating world of insects. The Bug House contains live insect displays, exhibits and “hands-on” activities. Guided tours for groups of 30 or less are available Monday–Friday. Cost is $50 for a one-hour program. Special hours have been arranged for those who may be interested in visiting, but do not constitute a group, on a donation basis. A guide is available to answer questions. Located in Room 146-147 Natural Science Building.
Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum (517) 353-9836
The Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum is the art museum of Michigan State University. Also an engaged public institution, the Broad MSU is a contemporary museum devoted to the exploration and exhibition of significant art from around the globe. The museum is free and open to the public, Tuesdays through Sundays.
Demmer Shooting Sports Education & Shooting Center (517) 884-0550
For shooting sports enthusiasts, newcomers to archery or firearms, or a family or group looking for fun, safe activities the Demmer Shooting Sports Center at MSU is the perfect place! Demmer is a state-of-the-art facility with indoor archery and firearm ranges with patient, courteous DADA-or NRA-certified instructors. Available classes include: archery and firearms, from basic to advanced; concealed pistol license classes; and classes designed for women, children and beginners. No experience or equipment needed!
Dairy Store (517) 355-8466
When you visit the MSU Dairy Store, we want to see you leave with a smile on your face. We are dedicated to making your visit enjoyable and serving our delectable ice cream and other soda fountain favorites. During your visit, we encourage you to stop by the observation deck to see the processing facilities, located in the south wing of Anthony Hall on Farm Lane. Observe a multimedia presentation on cheese and ice cream production. Our store and plant are located at 1140 S. Anthony Hall. A store location is also available in the MSU Union.
Farms (517) 355-8383
MSU is home to many animals. Farms are located on the south side of campus between Mt. Hope and Jolly Road. Call to get visitors’ hours: Dairy Farm: (517) 355-7473, Horse Farm: (517) 355-7484, Beef Farm: (517) 355-7452, Sheep Farm: (517) 355-7477, Swine Farm: (517) 355-7485, Poultry Farm: (517) 355-0360.
Forest H. Akers Golf Courses (517) 355-1635
Come and tune up your golf game. Hit a bucket of balls on our award-winning driving range. Lessons and clinics are available for all ages. Junior golf clinics are available for children ages 4–18. Costs range from $0–$99 for the junior clinics. There are also weekly junior and family golf leagues offered. Forest Akers is a public golf facility, so all are invited to come and play!
Horticultural Demonstration Garden (517) 355-5191 x1359
Take a stroll through the colorful floral displays of the MSU Horticulture Gardens—an official All-American Trial Garden test site for annual bedding plants. They have an extensive perennial collection, with an annual display and rose collection. Located south of the Plant and Soil Sciences Building. Open all year sunrise to sunset. Parking on Saturday and Sunday is free. From 8:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m., Monday–Friday, a $3.00 token purchase is required before leaving the parking lot (buy tokens at the entrance to the visitor parking lot).
MSU Museum (517) 355-7474
The wonders of the natural world and world cultures are yours to discover. Three floors of exciting permanent collections and changing special exhibits feature anthropological, biological, geological and historical displays. The museum has a hands-on resource room with activities for youths and a unique gift store featuring around the-world treasures. Located across from the Main Library. Open 7 days a week. Admission is free, donations suggested.
College of Music (517) 353-5340
The College of Music presents more than 300 concerts and events each year by its students, faculty, large and small ensembles, and guest artists. Performances range from opera, jazz, and Latin music, to classical, chamber, and traditional music. College of Music concert tickets are $10; $8 senior citizens; and free for students and those under age 18 unless otherwise noted.
Nature Trails
The Sandford natural area is located just off Bogue Street, near Shaw Lane. Baker Woodlot is located between Bogue Street and Farm Lane on Service Road. Wildflowers, birds, and a sense of peace and quiet can be found in these hardwood forests.
Surplus & Recycling Center (517) 355-1723
MSU is proud of its commitment to sustainability and the new MSU Surplus Store & Recycling Center is where the terms “Reuse” and “Recycle” come to life. MSU Recycling collects a wide range of recyclable materials and the MSU Surplus Store collects all unwanted items from campus to reuse and resell—the landfill is always a last resort. A large ever-changing variety of goods are sold on Tuesday from 7:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. and Friday from 7:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Call to schedule a tour to view where material is sorted and baled. LEED Gold aspects of the building are also part of the tour. The community is encouraged to recycle 24 hours a day at the Public DropOff Center.
Tennis (517) 355-2209
Eight indoor courts, ball machine rental, classes, clinics, lessons, pro shop, racquet repair and new cardio tennis available! Located at 3571 E. Mt. Hope Road. Public welcome. Find out current indoor court cost at the website. Outdoor lighted courts are also available south of the Clara Bell Smith Academic Center on Wilson Road free-of-charge.
Theatre (517) 355-6690
Students and faculty of the Department of Theatre produce six main-stage, three second-stage and as many as ten open-stage shows each year. Plays take place in the Pasant Theatre at Wharton Center and in three theatres in the Auditorium Building: Fairchild, the Arena and Studio 49. Play descriptions, schedules and ticket information is available on the department website. During the month of June the Department offers free Summer Circle Theatre in an outdoor theater located between the MSU Auditorium and the Kresge Art Center.
Tour MSU
Visit this website to learn more about group tours of MSU. Custom tours can be requested for all age groups and all budgets. Your tour coordinator will work with you to establish an itinerary that meets your goals and still allows for a fun-filled trip. Prospective students (ninth grade or older) and their parents should schedule campus visits through the Office of Admissions.
Wharton Center for Performing Arts 1-800-WHARTON
Michigan’s largest performing arts venue with four unique stages. The building houses the 2,500-seat Cobb Great Hall and the 600-seat Pasant Theatre and is located on the corner of Wilson and Bogue Streets among beautiful gardens and sculptures. The Center also holds programs in the 3,800-seat MSU Concert Auditorium and the 650-seat Fairchild Theatre located on the corner of Farm Lane Road and Auditorium Road. Each season features the very best of touring Broadway, jazz, world-music, pop and opera! There is something for everyone at the Wharton Center.